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Rijkswaterstaat pitch

Rijkswaterstaat is renovating the Afsluitdijk. While the Afsluitdijk was under construction Rijkswaterstaat asked Pwc to create a physical landmark that not only serves the point of aesthetics, but could also store electricity that is generated by Rijkswaterstaat’s natural and renewable energy sources. 

To seize this opportunity I created a construction of waves that flow above the road of the Afsluitdijk. In this way you get the feeling of driving underwater as if the two seas, the Waddenzee and IJsselmeer, are still connected. At night, the landmark is visible since the water in the waves are filled with bioluminescent sea sparkle. During day time the sun will create a shadow of waves on the road. ​

Technical specs:
Energy generated by windmills or sun collectors supply power to a pump sending water through the waves above the road. The more energy is generated, the more water passes through the waves. This way people can see how much energy is generated by renewable sources. When Rijkswaterstaat wants to reclaim this energy, a gate at the end of the waves opens and the draining water runs through a turbine generating electricity again.

The miniature is showcased in PwC's Experience Center in Amsterdam

Pich won: yes

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